sexta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2011

From weeping to Joy.

Some years ago I went through a difficult time that left me depressed. A friend who had gone through the same circunstances spoke to me:"Do not be discouraged. Today you are mourning, but tomorrow you will smile" It is conforting to realize that God works through joy of his children. In this text David demonstrates the assurance that God has turned his weping into joy. In another part the psalmist says that in the presence of God there is everlasting joy. And the prophet Isaiah says that the Messiah's role would be to convert weep into joy. (Is.61:1-3). Weeping moments are compatible with faith in God. Beeing a Christian is not to be excluded from human condition, and does not mean to abort feelings and emotion, even negative ones. On the contrary, the high spirituality implies in our lives in a intensive way our humanity. Jesus suffered and wept. But the most glorious is that biblical faith does not allow mourning to destroy hope. There is a God acting in the circunstances to turn weeping into joy, sorrow into joy. Do not dismay if the sky turned dark, because as a hymn says " The sky becomes brighter after the storm". Do not loose your faith keep hope alive, for God is working to turn your mourning into joy. Sometimes the night is long and cold, but the sun always wins. It will shine at anytime. God will do it. That's why the psalmist says " The weeping may remain for a night, but joy comes in the morning."

From: Manancial magazine
Translated by: Nicodemos Lopes Miguel.
Data: 28/01/11.

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